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About missio


The International Catholic Mission Society missio Munich constitutes one of the German branches of the Pontifical Mission Societies. It has a dual task:

  • to raise and strengthen the missionary awareness of the faithful as a community of learning, prayer, and solidarity in Germany;
  • to provide both financial and non-material support for the mission of local Churches in Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God promises all human beings holistic liberation. Individuals, communities, and societies within the Church work together, contributing their individual skills and expertise, to serve the goal of liberation, which is fraught with many different hardships and challenges. The main focus of missio‘s co-operation work is on the pastoral work of the Church.

Project funding

In the spirit of the Gospel and within the scope of its project funding activities, missio supports local Church initiatives that

  • promote pastoral care and the development of the Church life;
  • are rooted in the Christian vision of the world and of humankind and that are, in terms of the form they take, based on basic Christian values;
  • take into account local cultural, religious, socio-economic and political circumstances when defining their objectives and content;
  • promote ecumenical co-operation between the Churches;
  • promote dialogue between religions and world views;
  • work towards justice, peace, and the integrity of creation;
  • enable people to stand up for those who are powerless, oppressed, persecuted and without rights and those who seek to foster disadvantaged groups within both the Church and society as a whole;
  • are in line with the principle of subsidiarity.

Forward your request to:

Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk
Ludwig Missionsverein KdöR
Pettenkoferstraße 26-28
D-80336 München
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